With us turning one and all, I thought we might celebrate and allow you guys to get some Ausdroid swag. We have been working on the store for a number of weeks now, and even though it only has a few items in it, we all thought you should have access to it and be able to show your support in a clothing kind of way.

Hit up the store at ausdroid.net/store and any purchases you make, give Ausdroid a tiny l’il bit of special revenue from Zazzle, which allows us to do more stuff for you guys. Tell us what you would like in the store in the comments and we’ll see what we can do. Thanks again for your support.

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    Clothes cut to men’s sizes only.
    When will the Ausdroid women’s wear be made available?

    Lucas Burnett

    very very soon

    Dylan Waghorne

    harhar, found it before you posted this 😀


    Great work guys. It’s good to see you branching out to merchandise to support your website. A few comments: 1. Is the t shirt available in any other colour other than white? 2. While I like Ausdroid, I agree with Daniel’s comment that the logo on the front of the hoodie is a bit flat. Perhaps you can have the Android icon holding up the word “Ausdroid”. Or have Ausdroid and the icon leading against it at the end of the letter. If you have the icon next to it on the front, then people will know that Ausdroid is… Read more »

    Lucas Burnett

    Thanks for your comment to Grunger. Like I said to Daniel, this feedback is golden, it is definitely being taken on board and new products will incorporate new designs and also placements.

    A design competition would be an awesome idea and something I will throw at the other guys.

    In regards to the shirts, at this stage only in white, this is to keep the cost down. We will have other colours soon.

    Great feedback Grunger 🙂

    Ilija Vrtaric

    If there’ll be a competition, I’ll definitely be up for that!

    might even grab one or two of these shirts, can’t hurt to support this place 🙂

    Lucas Burnett

    Watch this space…Competition is being talked about as we speck, no ETA at this stage though.

    We love people supporting us 😛


    I think the best idea out of this comment is to have the web address on the shirt. That would go some way to solving daniel’s issue about the brand not being recognisable, when someone asks you what ausdroid is you can point to the website.
    As for the design I don’t think its that bad, but a design comp is definitely an awesome idea to improve it. There are a lot of clever people out there reading this site.


    Sorry to say it, but the Ausdroid name doesn’t mean anything to people on the street. The logo is not bad, but the flag part is a bit flat. So I suggest:

    A t-shirt with an aussified android logo on the front (with a bit more work on how the flag wraps around the body – perhaps make the whole thing 3D) and if you must, you can put AUSDROID in tiny letters on the back between the shoulder blades.

    Lucas Burnett

    Thanks for your feedback Daniel. We will be playing with different ways to get the logo to look better when printed on material. It does come out darker then normal, but does fade a little in the wash. In regards to your comment about the Ausdroid name not meaning anything to anyone on the street, is true at this stage, but it’s also not the point of the store and the items. Its purely a way for people who want to show their support for the site, to do so via a clothing avenue. Thanks again for your comment, we… Read more »


    That’s cool. It’s just that you’d get a much higher WAF (and women might even wear it!) if the image on the front is just a really cute or striking picture with no text – that gives it the “funky” feel rather than a “nerdy” feel. Sorry if it seems a bit blunt but I have plenty of both types of shirts – the funky ones I’m happy to buy myself, the nerdy ones I get given for free at conferences! I reckon Grunger’s idea of putting the website URL on there with the name is a great one, but… Read more »


    Or put the website name on the sleeve. With the hoodie, maybe you can have the Ausdroid icon on the front and put “Ausdroid” on the sleeve?
    Or……why not put the Ausdroid/android icon on the back of the hood if that idea is not too expensive??

    Lucas Burnett

    Great suggestions and I agree with you all 100%, the next round of designing is going to be started very soon, a design comp is also being talked about with the guys. Stay Tuned!