It was only 3 days ago that we reported that Vodafone had lowered the Nexus S to $0 upfront on their $65 Infinite Plan, now it’s $0 upfront on their $45 Infinite Plan and $0 upfront on their $29 Vodafone Cap. Now that this phone can’t get any cheaper, it’s a good option for people wanting the plain Android experience on a fairly good device. If you’ve not read our review, please check it out as this phone isn’t for everyone. With the Nexus S no longer sitting in the premium cap pricing, I wonder what will take its place next.

Source: Vodafone Online Store.
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im paying 49cap+10 shit… only i used one and half month i hate vodafone 🙁

David Anderton

Virgin have 1 week left to announce the Optimus 2X or the Incredible S before i buy this phone.


Great Post (for vodaphone at least) i ordered one for my mum its that good a deal

Gadget Folder

i’d much prefer a Super Clear LCD screen


made the online order already, with $50 credit and free shipping. It ‘s definitely a good deal.


Compared to some of the other phones that are $0 upfront on the $29 smart cap, the Nexus S isn’t bad. It isn’t the best phone in the world but because it’s free on the lower end plans, it offsets this; definitely a better deal than the HTC Legend and LG Optimus.


Great deal, but shame its with Vodafone. I cannot confidently use their network and will have to keep paying more to go with Virgin(Optus).

If I changed, I would change the rest of my family with me, so they can all get the benefit of free on-net calls.

I should test the coverage for them on Vodafone – but I imagine it would be terrible. There are too few Pentaband (ie. 850/900/2100) devices out there to get the benefit of their network upgrades, either.


That’s an awesome buy for $29…..
The Nexus S is being replaced by something better, I wonder what it’ll be?
My money’s on the HTC Sensation or Galaxy S2.


it’s $0 upfront on their $45 Infinite Plan and $0 upfront on their $29 Vodafone Cap.

Buzz Moody

LOL. Fixed, I’m an idiot.

David Anderton

fark that is crazy cheap!


Maybe because it’s shit ?


As a ex owner of a nexus s (import from the states), I can confirm its crap!!!

My Nexus one has been my fav phone, but sold it due to the poor 3g signal issue (design fault). I was hoping the Nexus S was going to be good, but poor battery life and yucky plastic and design and that oh too crappy sammy power button on the side!!?


Plastic, hey? Maybe they should make a metal phone. Oh no, then it would be too heavy.
What about a bigger battery? Na, you would need a backpack to carry it. Boy, some people can nothing but complain.

As an owner of an Nexus S, I can confirm it is NOT crap. I’m more than happy with the battery life.


Marco stop being a dick…. You have a viewpoint, I have a viewpoint. Grow up and respect peoples viewpoints. As to your points read my post again, I never complained about the weight, I said poor battery life, for the specs it gets poor battery life. I also said yucky plastic, as its in shinny and not nice to hold (US version), I said poor design ie the power button on the side makes slip in cases useless, no led light for sms/email!@? I own an android phone, its metal with a large 4.3 screen, weight itsn’t an issue. The… Read more »


hey level380… maybe you should dump your US version,and get this one instead. I got the white Nexus S


its ok as a test device, but overall just root the device and flash cm7 or other custom roms and problem solved

David Anderton

The main annoyances i have heard is that its GPS is crap like the galaxy S and that it doesn’t have a SD card slot, but at this price the phones its competing with don’t seem to be any better.