There has been a bit leading up to this moment, first we heard rumours the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was coming to Vodafone, then Vodafone confirmed it; then we heard Optus would stock it and they confirmed it; now Good Gear Guide have given us a launch date: August 11th. At this stage it’s only a launch event, at which we’ll find out pricing and availability for the Galaxy Tab 10.1 on both Vodafone and Optus — maybe with that Samsung Galaxy S II bundle. What we also hope to find out is whether it’s going to be sold in all it’s forms and variants; there are six variants in all, three with Wi-Fi and three with Wi-Fi + 3G, each packing either 16GB, 32GB or 64GB of in-built storage.

What I’m interested in, however, is whether or not Vodafone, Optus and Samsung are going to really support this tablet? How quickly are updates going to be released? Are the networks going to drag their feet? or is Samsung? The problem with this is that we won’t know until Android updates for Honeycomb start rolling past the 3.2 stage — that’s if the Galaxy Tab 10.1 even gets the 3.2 update. Now before you say “You’re just sour that you got the original Galaxy Tab 10.1v and it was a DOA device and you’re spewing it’s not being supported” Let me say this: yes I am spewing, not because I purchased a device that I knew was essentially DOA, but because when manufacturers and carriers decide to make and sell a device, they need to support their user base regardless, and this certainly hasn’t happened. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen this time, because if anything is Android’s worst enemy, it’s the manufacturers and the carriers it runs on.

Source: Good Gear Guide.
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You should have brought a zoom.The updates have been within 3 days of the release on my WiFi zoom.

Lincoln Mah

My tab 10.1 was picked up from Best Buy Union Square. It has already had one OTA update. Hasn’t been updated to 3.2 nor TouchWiz yet. It will be interesting to see if they allow users to bypass the TouchWiz update and just install 3.2. On the other hand, 3.2 may not be made available because TouchWiz has only been optimized for 3.1. It would come as a shock if there is a Tegra 2 tablet out there that will not eventually be updated to Ice Cream Sandwich.

Next Level Don

what ever happened to the supposed deal big G was striking with the manufacturers to ensure a minimum time period of guaranteed support/updates/acknowledgement with all Android releases? It is clear that Google see the issue of consumers being duped, as do some manufacturers like HTC (look at the HTC desire backflip) so its about time Google start acting like the boss and get all Apple-like.  Every fanboi will tell you they just dont have these issues with Apple but I lasted 3 months before I was jailbreaking and getting as far from iOS as possible – just because they get… Read more »

Robert Sleight

Buying mine from Myer when they come in not wasting my time with the telcos, they are stocking all models.


If the UK is anything to go by we should have release on the 12 August. The UK has a planed launch event for the 3 August with the release on 4 August with it being availaible in most stores. Actually London gets to buy it a day earlier, the evening of 3Aug from currys and PC world.
[*Launch event*][*Release date and info*]

Glyn Stuckey

Manufacturers and Carriers are definitely damaging Android.  What we need are more Nexus devices, that way we can get the updates straight from Google.


Yep that’s Samsung for you. Sorry to gloat but as soon as I heard that this tab was being released there was no was I was going to get the 10.1v, very poor Samsung


12 variants if u include the colours…black and white… waiting in our stock now ^^


Fully agree. Take the poor support the Galaxy S is, and has got from Optus and the like. 2 update versions behind the rest of the world – 2.2.1 & 2.3.3. I wont even mention my poor Galaxy Tab 🙁
Carriers are as you said . . . killing Android . . . yet seem to bend over and take one for Apple.

Our hands are tied though.


Lucas totally agree, OEM’s & carriers are slowly killing Android, Android needs a software upgrade Nexus style that comes straight from them & doesn’t by pass the carrier.