We’ve been informed by a trusted source of ours that the HTC One V stock that was to be sold by Optus — the device hasn’t launched or been announced yet — has been recalled. We aren’t yet able to confirm the reasoning behind the recall, but we do know this is going to push back the release date of the device for an unknown period of time. Looks like all those dummy units aren’t going to see the light of day in Optus stores for some time yet.

Update: We’ve received the internal message sent to Optus Stores regarding the recall:

Please see [attached bulletin] regarding HTC One V stock. Due to an issue with a specific batch of these devices HTC have asked us to return this stock. [Optus] stores will have received an allocation which they must not sell –please ensure your STORE is aware of this and follow the RA process. New stock will be issued early next week, please use the Raincheck process for any customer orders in the meantime.

The new HTC One S will be launching on Monday with no issues.

Bolding of text was done on our end to emphasise.