Google have posted the official changelog for Android 4.1 “Jelly Bean” which we recommend you have a read of as it’s quite interesting. Google refers to Jelly Bean being “faster” a handful of times and also points out that a lot of the stock apps have new 7-inch interface designs. Does this mean that Android is moving away from the 10-inch market? Possibly. It’s obvious that Google will push hard in the 7-inch market where they can fight for market share while Apple isn’t involved.

Go take a read and find out what you have to look forward to in Jelly Bean, or if you already have it, what you might be overlooking.

Source: Android 4.1 changelog.
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i have a htc rhyme
i want to upgrade my phone to android4.1
please help me
[email protected]


Any thoughts on when 4.1 will be available on the Galaxy Nexus on the Optus network? Does Optus tend to get stuff after Vodafone?

Nick Bellios

Will Jelly Bean be coming down the S3 pipe?

Damon Lewis

The S3 will get 4.1

Zoran Petkovic

Impressive set of improvement for a 0.1 update, though the one area I wish Google gave some attention to is Permission Management. It saddens me that Google seams to neglect this very important part of the OS.


Just flashed a jelly bean ROM to my Xoom and the difference from ICS is some real polish. Well worth it.

Alex Baldwin

In spite of only be a 0.1 update, that changelog really puts the jump from iOS5 to iOS6 to shame. I love my iPad (had 1, 2 and now 3rd gen), and while third-party apps are designed beautifully for the screen size the general UI really hasn’t progressed much and is feeling a bit stale. The major thing that has always held me back from Android tablets has been the lack of fluidity from trying the demo ones in JB Hifi and other places. Scrolling and panning between homescreens always seemed to be stuttery and bizarrely far worse than equivalent… Read more »


That’s one thing I always wondered about about demo units in stores, why are they so laggy. Sure some are definitely slow with most running 3.0 to begin with but some that’s supposed to be fast lags as well ^^”
It’s probably because the amount of widgets they put or the amount of apps that people run when demoing the thing that didn’t get closed. Anybody got any ideas?

Nick Bellios

This exactly why Android tabs are always laggy. Most stores have the reps come in at least once a month to factory reset tabs on display. If you happen to play with one on that day then you’ll surely be purchasing an Android tab.

Damon Lewis

A lot of apps already got a 10 inch interface with Honeycomb so I think it’s logical that they would introduce a 7 inch interface this time around with the launch of the Nexus 7. Google aren’t going to remove the existing 10″ interface.