Facebook Home
After launching less than a week ago to a US only audience, Facebook has today rolled out their Facebook Home launcher to an international audience. The app which is available in Google Play is still officially restricted to a select few devices : HTC One X, X+ and One; Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, Note 2; and in the US, the HTC First. The Facebook Home app was showing up in Google Play on the Samsung Galaxy S3 I tried it on, but I don’t have access to all the phones on the list.

Of course if you don’t own one of the phones that Facebook has deemed are suitable for Facebook Home you can always try installing it yourself through more “unofficial channels”, you can get the info on how to do this on your device over here.

There’s mixed reviews in the Google Play Store ratings on the Facebook Home app, what do you think of Facebook Home?


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Alex D

I just downloaded it to my Galaxy Note II and it says ‘Thanks for installing Facebook Home. Your device is not supported yet. You’ll get a notification when Facebook Home is ready for your device’

Is anyone else having this issue??

Adam T

I had the same issue. You have to open the original Facebook app and it has to finalise updates so you can get Facebook Home to work

Alex D

Still coming up with the same message. I have un-installed all apps but the same thing happens. I give up!!

jordan mills

How do I do this?

David McMullen

Trialled it on my S3. I’m not a fan of the launcher, went straight back to Nova Prime. I do however like the lock screen, being able to see what’s going on when I unlock my phone, then just flick away to my launcher.

Not available for my note 2 .

Matt Booth

Works fine on my Note II

Shaun Anthony Dickenson

Is it Telstra?

Matt Booth

It’s an overseas Note II, but running on a Telstra sim

Shaun Anthony Dickenson

It would probably be a different model. Dang.

Mine either… I’m wondering if it’s got anything to do with being the Telstra version of the Note 2.

It’s mega annoying.

Taufiq Khan

Incompatible with Nexus 4? Weird.

(Yes I know I can get APKs etc. but this is more about Facebook re-inventing themselves on Android, and not supporting the latest stock/base handset.)

Daniel Tyson

Yeah, I had to borrow a mates Galaxy S 3 because none of my listed devices were compatible

Marty Davey

I have it running on my Nexus4. I do like the quick access to Facebook feeds data etc. Some of the UI features are great. Like the ease to like something, upload pic, status or check in features. I think they need to allow ease of widgets somehow. I mean you can flick back to launcher with your profile icon but does get frustrating flicking back and forth to view my calender widget etc. The UI it’s self is smooth and efficient just needs some tweaking in it’s functionality and ease of use. But this could have some potential if… Read more »