Despite the recent release of Glass’ explorer edition to developers, it seems that the rest of us aren’t likely to get our hands on a consumer edition of Google’s Android-powered augmented reality headset for a while yet.

In an interview for BBC Radio 4’s ‘World at One’ programme, Google’s executive chairman Eric Schmidt said that a consumer release of the device is ‘probably a year-ish away’, and that Google will be making changes to the device based on feedback from the thousands of developers who’ll be using Glass over upcoming months. Schmidt’s interview is mostly unrelated to Glass, covering other topics like his new book, Google’s UK tax policy, and privacy issues, and can be found here (Schmidt’s interview begins at 27:45).

Source: BBC Radio 4.
Via: The Verge.
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    Dylan Xavier

    That means 3 yrs away. Whenever Eric Schmidt says something its almost always wrong. Last yr he said half of the tvs from the big manufacturers would ship with google tv by mid yr. Still waiting to see that happen