Android Kit Kat
The announcement this morning that Android 4.4 would be called Kitkat in a break from the tradition of naming Android releases after generic desserts and naming a brand name partner for the release, also saw a competition announced as part of the partnership.

When we checked the Nestlé Australia website this morning, Australia was named as one of the markets that the Android branded Kitkat bars would be launched in. This morning Ausdroid spoke to Nestlé Australia to narrow down some of the details.

Of the 500 specially crafted Android shaped KitKat bars that have been created, 10 of the hand crafted bars, which are encased in their own specially numbered box are on their way to Australia to be given away on the Kit Kat Australia Facebook page next week.

If you miss out on a specially crafted Kit Kat on the Facebook page, then you’ll be able to purchase Android branded Kit Kat bars in Woolworth’s supermarkets from the beginning of October. The promotion will give you the chance to win a Nexus 7 tablet or Google Play vouchers to spend.

The offer is out there, if you win one of the specially made Kit Kats from the facebook page, I am offering Cash. I want it. We also want to know as soon as you start seeing them in-store, let us know by sending us a pic via twitter or email.

Are you looking forward to Android themed Kit Kats?

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The really big question is, “Is it KitKat or Kit Kat?”.

My sources (which is the official Kit Kat site), says that it is Kit Kat 4.4.


I totally went out today and bought some KitKats. Put me in the mood. 😛


Must supply a Kit Kat with every Nexus 5.


There better not be any Kit Kat rubbish built into the OS!! I wouldn’t be happy if so!


Makes cents that the conpetition for these Android themed KitKats would be on Farcebook, since it is one of the stock pieces of bloatware in Android

Ian Tester

The Facebook app is not “stock” in any way. Blame the vendors and/or carriers for it being on most phones.


Always up for a bit of fun… i’m in for an android themed kit kat!


Sweet! 😉

Alexei Watson

I’d eat that

Peter Massey

So Nestle are advertising their “Google” promotion on Facebook?

Now if only Google had its own social media network .. oh wait.

Michael Faro-Tusino



Give me a break 😛

Damon Lewis

I could go for some KitKats right about now.


It’s working!