KitKat This Is It 1

On their Google+ page yesterday, Nestle posted their Android KitKat mascot with its arms in the air and the heading, “Everybody dance now!”:

KIT KAT  Everbody Dance Now

Today they posted, This Is It, with the line – “Sometimes you have to look for the signs”:

KitKat This Is It 1

After putting two and two together and adding that up to 5, sleuths on the Kit Kat page have come up with a very plausible argument that these teasers are referring to an October 28 announcement of Android 4.4.

Firstly, yesterdays “Everybody dance now” doesn’t mean much by itself, but when combined with today’s “Sometimes you have to look for the signs”, then it becomes clear – Michael Jackson.

ย MJ was particularly well known for his smooth dance moves, and This Is It refers to the music documentary of the same title, released in the US on 28th October 2009.

So there you have it, Android 4.4 will be announced on 28 October, alongside the Nexus 5 and possibly a Google watch called Gem. Maybe.

Do you think that this is a plausible explanation? Or do you think that Kit Kat is trolling us? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Android Planet.
Via: Google+ KitKat.
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    Damon Lewis

    This is it = 3 words. Half Life 3 confirmed.

    Am I doing this right?

    Milty C

    wow that’s a bit of a stretch, to a Jackson release from 2009. Also we dont need Kit Kats Stupid clues to know its coming in the next 2 to 3 weeks.


    will everyone get a years supply of kit kats if we buy a new phone ?


    Sigh It’s the brand awareness PR types at nestle trying to look like they are coupled in to the social networking stuff by repeating the title of a reddit posting about the last advert. You can almost see the memo that they will be sending to the board “coupled in with the social conversation ….. exciting consumers with the product message”. You can bet that they will have a multi-million dollar ‘brand awareness’ valuation put on the articles like this one – they’ll be looking for a raise out of this; it’ll be going on CVs. As for pointers as… Read more ยป


    Ok, I get that “This is It” was released Oct 28, but Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) was released on Oct 18.

    So what’s the deal? We’re just going to ignore the ‘everybody dance now’ hint and just go with the ‘this is it’ hint?

    Chay MacTavish

    The band that sings Everybody dance now were supposedly originally called ‘The 28th St Crew’.


    Alternatively something to do with Danni minogue.

    vijay alapati

    9 full sticks + 7 half sticks = 12.5 days = 28th afternoon in US ๐Ÿ™‚


    If that was on purpose then wow.