
As many of you may have known, Google+ introduced automatic image uploading a while back, but in an update rolling out to users right now, this particular service is being renamed Google Photos and now has its own icon and a bunch of settings to play around with. The Google Photos app is a direct extension of Google+, but also allows viewing of images from Google Drive and Picasa as well — it’s essentially connecting all of Google’s photo sharing services.


If you haven’t yet received the update, we’ve found a way to force the update. We found the MediaUploader.APK from the Nexus 5 factory images. Just install this and Google+ will update to the latest version and the Google Photos icon will appear in your launcher. Enjoy!

Thanks: Derek!.
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Holy moley! I’ve been playing with this for an hour, and this is Snapseed on steroids! There are 10 filters for your photos, then a further 4 sub-filters per filter. Then if you press the middle of the screen you get the options of Strength, Brightness and Saturation. After picking your option, if you place two fingers on the screen then swivel then, this adjusts it again. You can adjust frame width by swiping, plus there are a dozen Frames, with a further 4 options per Frame. Rotate and crop are present. But the big thing is that by hitting… Read more »