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At the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas last month, Pebble announced that their long awaited App store would be launching from late January; while they appear to have missed that goal, it will apparently be rolling out this week – at least for iOS users. Android will be ‘shortly after’.

Pebble yesterday showed off what the App store will look like through their official @pebble twitter account, while a followup tweet from Pebble Advocate Myriam Joire, formally of Engadget, soon after advised that the rollout would begin on Monday (in the US). The final design of the App store shown in the two tweets, shows six categories – Daily, Notifications, Fitness, Tools & Utilities, Remotes and Games – with Yelp featured in both screenshots:

In a previous blog post, Pebble advised their App store would launch with over 500 Apps – some of which will require a companion Android App – that can be installed on your smartwatch. Although your Pebble can only run 8 Apps at a time, the Pebble App on your phone will be able to store and quickly rotate different Apps onto your watch with ease.

Of course if your don’t want to wait, there are a way a few ways to get the new OS update a few days early, if you’re so inclined.

Are you excited for the Pebble App Store? would you consider updating your device? Do you own a Pebble smart watch? What do you like or dislike about it?

Source: TnkGrl TwitterPebble Twitter.
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Carsten Bauer

Looking forward to it!