LG, along with Samsung, were first out of the blocks with their Android Wear smartwatch, the LG G Watch. It was a basic square watch which seemed to be lacking that final finishing touches. At the time LG said that they didn’t have time to include everything they wanted in the G Watch including a heart rate monitor. They were put under pressure by Google to have the G Watch ready for Google IO and the official release of Android Wear. Since then we have seen rumours of a successor to the G Watch arriving soon. Last week we reported that a LG G Watch 2 could arrive as early as next month.

Now it seems those rumours were spot on with LG releasing via their global YouTube account a teaser for their “new wearable”. The video shows a round smartwatch which could very well match the Moto 360 in the looks department. The smartwatch is rumoured to be called the LG G Watch R, assuming the R stands for round. The video also tells us that it is coming at IFA 2014 (September 5-10) so it will be arriving at about the same time as the Moto 360 and the Asus smartwatch offering.

It is great to see LG offering what is hopefully a good looking device that will rival the Moto 360 in the design department. It promises to be a big couple of weeks for Android followers with Moto announcing devices along with this smartwatch and others coming at IFA 2014.

The question is, will you consider getting this instead of the Moto 360 now? Will you hold off on purchasing the Moto 360 until you hear all about the LG? Are you an LG G Watch owner who now feels burnt by LG by them offering a new product already?


Source: LG YouTube.
Via: Android Central.
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It’s also about the material. If this is a plasticy kids watch and not metal then it’s out for me, no matter how round it is


very good point Matt but one thing for sure it’s made a lot of people sit up and take notice, people, like me, who already had the money spent on a moto 360….

vijay alapati

Wait till Samsung outs its circular watch along with note 4

Dylan Wheeler

Frothing to the brim…Moto 360 OR this new offering, that is now the question!


it’s good to see the manufacturers really pushing each other along


Hmm, the Moto360 has a block taken out of the bottom of the display as a cost of the round shape. This set of images suggests no such missing chunk – even pushes the idea of a ‘perfect circle’.

As such, it would be ahead of the Moto360 offering, if they didn’t stuff something else up.

As per most people, the determinate is a sensible price, commensurate with minimal functionality a ‘smart’ watch has. So far they are a solution in search of a problem…


Has a Tron vibe. I like it.