Nexus 5 Black Google Play
Earlier this month, the Black coloured Nexus 5 went out of stock on Google Play in both 16GB and 32GB versions. The good news is, that Google has replenished supplies of the Nexus 5 and you can now purchase the phone again through Google Play, with an estimated shipping date of the 29th of August.

The 16GB White Nexus 5 also briefly dropped to ‘Out of Stock’ status soon after the Black versions sold out, but it too is showing stock due to ship on the 29th of August. Pricing for the Nexus 5 remains at $399 for the 16GB model and $449 for the 32GB model. International Priority Shipping which takes 2-7 business days is still an extra $19.95 on top.

The Nexus 7 still remains sold-out in all configurations, and seems to be getting scarcer at retail as well – with staff advising us that the tablet is marked as end-of-life in their inventory systems, so there’s probably little chance of seeing them again. Nexus 9 anyone?

We’re still hopeful that we’ll see a price cut on the Nexus 5 prior to the announcement of a new Nexus phone as we saw with the Nexus 4 last year. Guess we’ll just have to wait, till then you can now resume purchasing the Nexus 5.

Source: Google Play.
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Dawei Deng

is there a 15 days refund or Price Protection from Google for Australian buyers?? My Galaxy Nexus was just broken last week. And it is rumored that tomorrow(27th Aug) Google might drop the price of nexus 5 just like last year it did to Nexus 4. I’m so tempted to purchase a Nexus 5 by the weekend…

Daniel Tyson

We looked into it last year after the Nexus 4 dropped in price and they used to

Dawei Deng

Thanks a lot mate!:)

Darren Ferguson

Just hurry up and announce the next tablet!!!


All good things come to those who wait. Also I’m kinda thinking Google might release both the new Nexus phone and tablet at the same time, rather than a staggered release like last year. I think that’d be pretty cool. IIRC both the 2012 Nexus 7 and 2013 Nexus 7 had been revealed/released by June/July, so it’s the end of August 2014, which is definitely late for the Nexus tablet. They may release both the tab and the phone together and they might have a discount if you purchase both. But yes, I’m eagerly awaiting both the new tab and… Read more ยป


I’m in the market for a new tablet and phone, so I’d love for them to be released together with a discount. Not very confident of it working out…