It’s update Wednesday, or as the time-zones would have it Thursday! That means we’re seeing various updates to Google apps, and today Google+ is getting an update. For those of you using the social network, there’s a few interesting new items included in the update.

The new bits

  • You’ve got Home instead of Everything as a listing for the default stream
  • My Circles and My Communities have now simply become Circles and Communities
  • Inside individual posts pull to refresh is now a feature, long overdue given the main stream has had this function for multiple versions now.

APK Mirror as usual have a downloadable APK in the likely event that you’re not willing to wait for the staggered rollout to get to your device.

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

How much more will you use G+ as the app and functionality of the network increases? Or are you too set in other networks to change?

Source: Android Police.
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For a G+ junkie like me, looking forwards to this update.