At a briefing at Google I/O, VP, Photos and Streams at Google, Bradley Horowitz has spoken about the future of Google+, in light of the announcement of the standalone Photos app. Bradley has acknowledged the great work that the Photos team has done, but has guaranteed that Google+ isn’t going anywhere.

But the future of Google+ will change, with a new focus on Communities and the Collections features that was announced a couple of weeks back. These functions is where Google has found that their social service truly shines. He said the high point for Google+ which is connecting people with shared passions – something that ties in with the communities aspect of Google+.

The only downside of the pep talk was that Horowitz promised that Google would ‘Double Down’ on that use case – a catchphrase which has traditionally been the death knell for apps and services in the tech world.

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Harold Asmis

I love g+, and I also loved all their other ‘doubled (put) down’ products. 🙁


‘double down’….. The words you use when something is failing :/

PS Yes I use/love G+ BTW…..