
Inbox by Google has been quite a shot in the arm for really active email users who also use their email as a reminder system of sorts. Inbox is making life easier for a lot of users and who doesn’t like things that makes their life easier? In the latest update to the Inbox app, you’ll see some new options next time you snooze an email allowing you to have the email reappear in your Inbox at an appropriate time before reservations or calendar appointments.

Starting today, Snooze in Inbox is getting a bit more convenient—when you snooze an email that has dates and times (like event confirmations or shipping notifications), you’ll get a one-tap option to snooze to exactly the right time, like the day of your concert or the morning your package will arrive.


While it’s not going to bullet proof, the Gmail Blog says that you should see the new snooze option for emails that relate to

  • Package tracking updates
  • Restaurant and event reservations
  • Calendar invites
  • Flight confirmations
  • Hotel reservations
  • Rental car reservations

which are really useful if you get a lot of correspondence that you need to coincide with appointments due to travel that may be weeks in the future, previously you would be force to set a custom time for the snooze function which is in itself time consuming. If you’re yet to get onto Inbox, there’s plenty of invites

What is your favourite feature in Inbox?

Source: Gmail Blog.
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vijay alapati

Used the google app on ipad and it was new. you can now browse pages just like chrome and the total use makes u feel like you are using android tablet