Sydney Opera House

Google’s Cultural Institute has been traveling the to some of the world’s most majestic and famous locations to create interactive tours, walkthroughs and videos so you can experience these grand locations from anywhere. Today they added one on the Seven Wonders of the modern world, the Sydney Opera House. You’ll find several 3D images and videos to explore along with a great history and documentary of the Sydney Opera House.

We may be a little biased here at Ausdroid but we think this is one of the best locations the Cultural Institute has documented thus far. IF you’ve never been to the Opera House before, or you want to revisit the experience jump on over to their website and have a look, and while you’re there why not look at some of their other collections, some of them are almost as good!!

Which of the Google Cultural Institute’s Collections do you think is the best? Let us know below.

Source: Google.