NOAA Weather

There’s some fantastic weather apps available for Android within Australia including Pocket Weather by Shifty Jelly, Weather Zone and the very functional Accu Weather. Most of the more feature rich options are paid apps and for some users thats just not something they want (or use heavily) enough to pay for – Enter NOAA Weather Radar and Alerts.

The app has global capabilities which has not only radar images (undoubtedly sourced from local data feeds to your location) but weather prediction for the future allowing users to pre-plan their movements to potentially avoid getting caught out in inclement weather. Despite the name (NOAA being the acronym for the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), the app isn’t affiliated with the agency, though it seems probable it uses some of their data, just as it uses BOM data for Australian locations.

The best (or worst depending on your point of view) bit is that its ad supported with a paid option that removes adverts. Fortunately it’s pretty cheap.

2016-05-12 02.29.21

If you’re in the market for a weather app with some solid radar options, Weather and Radar Alerts is worth a look.

Clime: NOAA Weather Radar Live
Clime: NOAA Weather Radar Live

What weather app are you using to get through your day?