In recent years Google have separated a lot of their apps from their devices and made them available for all on the Play Store. According to a new listing they will be doing the same with the Google Sounds app.

The Google Sounds app appeared on the Play Store last night and promises to offer ringtones and audio visualisations that are usually Pixel-exclusive. At this stage apparently the app does very little, requiring a server-side switch most likely.

At this stage not everyone is able to see the app on the Play Store but for those who have they can see screenshots but that is it. The rest of the app is not live but considering the app was just made available by Google we expect them to flick that switch soon.

For those who are interested in all the Pixel sounds for your phone, grab the APK from APK Mirror or head over to the Play Store and you may be one of the few who can see it there.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁
Source: Android Police.
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Daniel Narbett

So are the ringtones polyphonic?