In a world dominated by two voice assistants – Google Assistant and Alexa – Samsung keeps fighting to make their virtual assistant relevant. At CES this week Samsung announced that Bixby will soon be able to ‘talk with’ the Google Apps installed on your device.

Exactly what this means is currently unclear, will they get ‘deep link access’ to the features and functions in some Google apps? At the moment it seems that Bixby will definitely be able to access Google Maps, Google Play, YouTube, and Gmail at least for starters.

Since it’s launch Bixby has been struggling to find it’s true identity: is it a device assistant? Is it a full virtual assistant? Should it be a gateway to other services or should Samsung admit defeat and swap over to Assistant or Alexa? One thing is for sure, Samsung has the tenacity and runway to give Bixby a few more tries before throwing in the towel.

We will keep an eye out for more details as they come to light.

Source: Ventuer Beat.