5G technology is here, now we just need the phones. Today in Barcelona prior to MWC19 OPPO have announced that they will have a 5G phone available to Australians this year. OPPO, in partnership with Telstra and Optus, will unveil their first Android 5G phone to the Australian market this year.

OPPO have invested, and continue to invest, in 5G technology with a plan to spend more this year on top of the US$1.5 billion spent on 5G R&D since 2015. As such they plan to be one of the first to market with a 5G compatible device. Michael Tran, Managing Director at OPPO Australia, said that the phone would be released when the market capabilities result in the optimal customer experience that OPPO aim for with all of their products.

OPPO stress that they believe a lot in their customer experience and are continually listening to their customers (how they have received the last two Canstar awards). As such they will not be pushing a 5G phone out to Australians until the users will get the optimal experience that they pride themselves on and are expecting that moment to arrive later this year.

Details on the phone are very sparse at this stage. The phone will house the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 with the X50 5G modem onboard, as described by Cristiano Amon, President of Qualcomm and most likely the new triple camera lens with 10x lossless optical zoom.

OPPO announced that they have been working with four carriers throughout the world with their 5G technology and two of them are Australian – Telstra and Optus.

We hope to see OPPO bring this phone to Australia sooner rather than later but understand their reticence to bring it until the supporting networks are fully ready. You can be sure that Ausdroid will do their best to get hands on with the first OPPO 5G phone to run it through its paces.