We’ve been fans of Mobvoi’s TicWatch series of Android Wear Wear OS smart watches, and today it looks like they have a new model in the offing, with 4G LTE. Enter the new TicWatch Pro.

From a page spotted by DigitalTrends on Mobvoi’s website (since removed), the new watch shares much of the design of the current TicWatch Pro iteration but offers 4G LTE connectivity, with the familiar red tick of US carrier Verizon emblazoned on the face.

Source: DigitalTrends

9to5Google points out that the Wear OS companion app has been quietly adding eSIM management options, so it’s possible that the new TicWatch will go eSIM to avoid adding any extra bulk.

We watched Googlers on stage at Google IO carefully to see whether they might have been sporting any upcoming unannounced wearables on their wrists and noted a TicWatch or two – maybe Google and Mobvoi snuck this one past us all.

Mobvoi had emerged as one of the most consistent smartwatch manufacturers in the Wear OS ecosystem. The TicWatch Pro is pushing a year old now, though – we reviewed it https://ausdroid.net/2018/08/23/mobvoi-ticwatch-pro-australian-review/ in August 2018 – and if the company is testing the product pages on its website then it looks like the launch won’t be far away.

Source: DigitalTrends.
Via: 9to5Google.
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ooohhh …. tasty