With Google Trips becoming the latest product that Google has killed off people who used the server have been hoping for a solution a little better than Google’s new Travel website, especially on mobile. In a blog post today they announced that the future trip tracking features will be rolled into Google Maps.

If you have an upcoming trip in your calendar or details in your Gmail inbox those details will be automatically logged in the new Reservations tab in the Your Places menu in Google Maps for Android. All future trips will be listed in the menu giving you access to all reservations fro flights, accommodation and rental cars.

The new Reservations tab will be cached offline so even if you’re travelling off the beaten track or don’t have data access where you are all of your reservations details will be ready and waiting for you. As a previous user of Google Inbox’s trip logging, and then Google Trips I’m personally very glad Google is giving back a little of the functionality that’s been taken away.

Google is also rolling out a new way to share the places you’ve been and perhaps even a few recommendations. Coming soon to the timeline view in Google Maps on Android you’ll be able to toggle between different timeline views including Day, Places, Cities and Countries.

Once you’ve selected your filter you can view all of the places you’ve previously visited and even curate a list of those places for sharing amongst your groups. For the feature, you have to have location tracking turned on and have the latest version of Google Maps for Android installed.

The new features are rolling out now so start spamming that update button the wait for the server-side switch to be flipped for your device!

Source: Google.