After being at home for much of 2020 during 2021 I’ve been travelling around Sydney more and when I’m in a rush or public transport isn’t convenient at night I’ve been catching rideshare cars.

My guess is that many Australians just request a ride on Uber by default and don’t try the other Rideshare apps.

I always check the price for UberX and then compare with DiDi Express. On all occasions a DiDi Express fare has been cheaper than UberX and in off peak times DiDi Saver fares are even cheaper still.

It’s not like the DiDi Express cars are different to UberX cars either.

Most rideshare drivers want to maximise their opportunities to get the most fares during the day so they keep the driver apps for both Uber and DiDi open all the time and accept a job from whichever is available. You’ll notice their cars have a DiDi and Uber sticker on the stuck on the back of the car.

When you consider that DiDi usually takes a smaller percentage cut from driver income compared to Uber it’s a win win for you and rideshare drivers if you at least sometimes catch DiDi instead of Uber.

With Ola Australia cutting staff recently, Bolt/Taxify leaving the country and early competitors like GoCatch fading away it makes sense to support any other cost competitive rideshare apps that provide a competitor to Uber.

Otherwise Uber could become the “last app standing” and be in a position to charge riders and drivers whatever they want, no one wants that except Uber investors!

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Simon J

Always cheaper for me here in Melbourne too