Have you got a backup solution? If you don’t, you’re not alone but you’re also at high risk. Disk failure, ransomware and malicous attack are just a few ways you can lose precious data.

One of the manufacturers who have a variety of option to protect your data is Western Digital. You can grab a portable external drive, a My Cloud (basic NAS) drive or a flash drive depending on your needs.

Flash drives range from 32GB to 1TB, external drives start at 500GB and extend to 4TB with the My Cloud options start at 2GB, and go as high as 16TB.

When it comes to critical data, best practice says you should operate on the 3:2:1 protocol which is:

  • 3 Copies of the data
  • 2 Different medium
  • 1 copy offsite

I use world backup day to review my data backup solution, this year I’m implementing a better (more reliable) offsite solution by adding a remote replication to my current NAS.

What will you do about your backup solution this year?