A couple of weeks ago we put the call out to Aussie application developers – send us your app to review, and we’ll put our thoughts up here on Ausdroid.

We’ve had a great response! We’ve got easily a dozen apps in our review queue, and now that our Desire HD has arrived, we’ll be starting those reviews in the next day or two.

If you are an Aussie app developer and you’d like your app reviewed by Ausdroid, either send me ([email protected]) an email, or get in touch with us and discuss your app and having it reviewed on Android Australia.

Nb. People who’ve already submitted their apps, please hold tight – you can expect to see some reviews appearing from Wednesday this week!

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    check out http://www.blowfishstudios.com/ these guys are australian and are looking to be a freaking awesome dev team!


    Not to trying to be a wet blanket but I read that while Aussie devs are able to submit paid Android apps now, there is a problem that Google hasn’t fix the bank account verification page that connects Google merchant checkout account with our bank account. So we’re basically get paid virtual money until Google fixes that page. Correct me if I’m wrong.