
Are you looking for a better way to access the apps on your Android Wear device? Launching through Google Now is cool, but it’s a bit hit and miss, especially with voice commands. What if there was an app launcher, or slide in drawer?

Wonder no more, because now that’s precisely what’s become available. Shown above, Wear Mini Launcher is itself an app that you launch via the standard process, but once it’s running, you can slide in from the top left side of your watch and access a quick app drawer.


Like most apps on Android Wear, though, it doesn’t like running in the background for too long.. if you leave it unused for a while, there’s a good chance the app will be killed, so you’ll have to launch it again to access apps. It’s a great first release, and we look forward to seeing how this app can grow and improve.

It makes launching apps really easy, and we think it’s really cool. If it would keep running in the background so you couldĀ always use it, that’d be even better.

As it takes over part of the left-swipe gesture, closing notifications or apps by swiping left can be a bit tricker. I’ve found if you swipe from the centre of the screen, instead of swiping in from the left, you can still access the standard ‘left swipe’ gesture while this launcher is running too.

Wear Mini Launcher
Wear Mini Launcher
Developer: Mini Tools
Price: Free+