Inbox by Gmail
Inbox took the world by storm back in October, it introduced a whole range of new functions for email such as reminders, and bringing a little more Google Now to your inbox by showing you assists. Google has announced that there’s been improvements to Inbox and you should be seeing them very soon.

The big feature in Inbox is Assists, and Google is adding improvements based on your requests to help make finding them even easier. You can create reminders faster thanks to Inbox providing smart suggestions as you type. The suggested assists will pop up as you type, with assists with icons appearing quickly.

Google has also updated the Android app with improved Tablet support as well as a very welcome update for Android Wear users – full support. Android Wear users will now be able to view messages and now manage them. You can mark an email as done, or reply all from your wrist – Finally.

If you aren’t using Inbox yet and would like an invite, email [email protected] and Google will email one our, or if you’re still waiting, speak up in the comments below and we can try to sort you out as quickly as possible.

Inbox by Gmail
Inbox by Gmail
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

Source: Gmail Blog.
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    I requested an invite to Inbox way back when they announced it and have heard nothing from them since. It’s a shame because gee does it look like an elegant product.

    Daniel Tyson

    shoot me an email: daniel AT ausdroid DOT net and i`ll shoot you through an invite.


    It’d be great if google apps users could get this functionality!? Still waiting for Gmail cards in google now! -_-“

    Daniel Tyson
