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Thursday, June 27, 2024

App Review: Pocket Weather AU

Today in our Aussie Apps review column we're looking at Pocket Weather Australia, from Shifty Jelly. We've loaded it up on the HTC Desire HD from MobiCity and given it a test toast! Pocket Weather AU is one of many apps...

App Review: Vodafone Usage (Plus)

The second in Ausdroid's series of app reviews is here and today we're looking at two apps - Vodafone Usage and Vodafone Usage Plus. As anyone with a smartphone of any kind will tell you, data is king. Android phones...

App Review: TripView Sydney for Android

A little while back we came up with a neat idea to showcase some Aussie developers' work for Android. We received a huge response - we have now over a dozen applications in our queue to be reviewed, and it's...

Gameloft Australia offering one Android game for $1.99 each day until 10 March

  If you're a bit of a gamer and holding out for the Xperia Play, then maybe you want to fill your pre-existing device with some high-quality, cheap games. Well Gameloft have you covered, they're offering one of their games...

Come on Aussie app devs, get on board!

A couple of weeks ago we put the call out to Aussie application developers - send us your app to review, and we'll put our thoughts up here on Ausdroid. We've had a great response! We've got easily a dozen...

Commonwealth Bank launch their ‘Native Application’ for Netbank

Today the Commonwealth Bank launched their 'native application' for their Netbank service, which they told us was coming. As much as I'd love to tell you about all the wonderful features this 'native application' allows you to explore, I...

Calling all Australian Android developers ..

We're coming up on 12 months of Android Australia, and in that time you, our readers, have come to trust us to bring you Android news specifically targeted to the Australian audience. There's not a lot of point knowing...

Google releases Android 3.0 ‘Honeycomb’ preview SDK, entices app development for Tablets

Google has just released a preview version of the Android 3.0 (dubbed 'Honeycomb') SDK for developers. The early version of the SDK gives a quick build of Honeycomb that developers can use to start building app for the Tablet...

Android Market now has over 200,000 apps

Although 30% or so of the Android Market appears to be spam and themes for launcher applications, there are now over 200,000 applications for you to choose from. Slowly we're closing in on the 300,000+ apps available in the...

Angry Birds Full Preview for Android

Hey guys, Just got a quick preview video here of angry birds, got a hold of a copy from Rovio mobile to do a quick review on the full version coming out for android (hoorah!) As you can see...

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