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Monday, June 24, 2024
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Apps, Games & Google Services

Travelling? Enjoy the sounds of your destination with Google Play Music

Google is running a promotion for Google Play Music All Access in some Qantas domestic terminals at the moment, inviting travellers to sample the sounds of musicians and bands that come from their destination city. The ads promote local artists...

Google offering the LG G Watch for just $99 for a limited time

After watching enviously as US and UK residents celebrated their 'Black Friday' sales with discounts on hardware in Google Play, it appears Google has also extended the discount to the LG G Watch on Google Play. Google is offering...

Press: The latest app to add DashClock extension

On Friday James wrote an article about an update to Falcon Pro that added a DashClock extension and now Press - the Google Reader client - has begun offering this integration with DashClock as well. As James previously mentioned, DashClock...

Google announce Play Pass, your subscription to over 350 apps

We have seen Google's new Play Pass subscription leak for a while now and with Apple announcing their Arcade recently it was time for Google to step forward with their Play Store subscription offering. Overnight via their various blogs Google...

Chrome will warn you about deceptive sites and let you report them

Google's launched many an online safety initiative over the years with Chrome, and today they've announced the addition of features to Safe Browsing in Chrome 75. Safe Browsing already warns you of sites that the company thinks are bad places...

See where you’re headed at a glance with the latest update to Google Calendar...

Sometimes it's the little things that can make a difference, and for the right person, today's update to Google Calendar for the web could just be that little thing. Rolling out from today you can now see the location...

Google Assistant and Alexa go travelling with you thanks to TripIt

Regular travellers know the pain of having several flights booked in the next week and occasionally not even knowing what state (or country) you're in the next day. TripIt have worked collaboratively with Google and Amazon to bring Assistant...

Google Earth celebrates 20 years of Harry Potter with an interactive journey across the...

It's now 20 years since J.K. Rowling had her book Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone published on June 26th 1997, and to get into the spirit of things Google Earth will take you places both from, and surrounding...

Watch this excellent video on local developers Shifty Jelly on making Pocket Casts

At Google I/O last month, Adelaide based developers Shifty Jelly won the inaugural Material Design award for Seamless Browsing for their awesome app: Pocket Casts. The Android Developers team has produced a pretty high quality video of the team,...

Google is now pushing Inbox users to go back to Gmail with a pop-up

After announcing the end of popular Gmail alternative, Inbox, back in September, Google has now begun pushing users to move over to Gmail ahead of the 2019 closure date. People still using Inbox are seeing a new popup advising of...

Soon you’ll be able to compare apps in the Google Play Store

If you need an app to do a specific task on Android everyone obviously heads to the Google Play Store. Search for a specific task or requirement and you'll be greeted with a large number of apps that...

You can set any App Shortcut as your default launcher action

With the launch of Android 7.1 Google introduced App Shortcuts., a system that deep links into an app and gives you direct access into different parts of the app. Another thing it does that we never really twigged on...

Gmail for Android can now protect you better from Phishing attacks

After a rogue email with a link to a dodgy, fake web app called 'Google Docs' went around the web this week, Google has announced a new feature for protecting Gmail for Android users against Phishing attacks. The new...

90 days of music for free with Tidal’s Premium plan trial

There's plenty of competition in the streaming music market. That group headed by Spotify, with Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music and Tidal chasing close behind. For many users, it's about cost, so the offer of 90 days for free...

Invites for Inbox now heading out to Google Apps customers

After announcing that they would extend their alternate GMail service, Inbox, to Google Apps customers last month, it appears that the invites are finally rolling out, with a number of Google Apps customers are advising they are receiving invites...

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