In a tweet that has just gone out, Optus has advised that owners of one of 2011’s most popular phones the Samsung Galaxy S 2 will begin seeing their Jelly Bean update over the next week. This update will take the Galaxy S 2 from Android 4.0.4 to Android 4.1.2 and should come as an OTA update, but for those who cannot wait for the OTA notification you can always try downloading Kies.

Let us know if and when you receive the update and what you think of it. Remember we love to hear about device updates, so if you see your device receive an update let us know via twitter or email.

Source: Optus.
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Red VW Roses

I got my update yesterday and I’m not particularly thrilled with it. 1) I cant get rid of some ‘help messages’ that pop up – regardless of how many times I untick them. Everytime I try and play music, it keeps trying to get me to set it to mute calls by laying my phone flat. If I dont agree, it’ll keep bringing that message up when I go back again to the music player. If I agree to set it like that and then go to settings and untick it I just keep getting that stupid message again! How… Read more »

Stephanie Lanzetti

I have just upgraded and the only real beefs I have is that my phone is a bit laggy now and I cant change the default icons in the icon tray….does anyone know how to? Sorry I have a note 1


New firmware is good apart from the fact that I cant access the gallery due to insufficient memory. 4gb on the phone and 8gb free isnt enough apparently. Very annoyed. Anyone else had this issue?

Ken Hoban

Can someone who has the latest offiacial optus build, please post the baseband and build number?
Thanks! 🙂


is there anyway of downloading the jelly bean update other than wifi straight onto my phone because i do not have a computer connected to the net.

Fiona McQueen

HELP!! I updated last Sunday 21/04/13, was extremely happy and proceeded to use for the morning without any problems. Then all of a sudden the home page will not allow me to access any applications including messages, contacts, applications, internet, phone and the list goes on. I can access somethings like Facebook internet, messages etc by holding down the home button and hope the application I want is open somehow in the background. If I dare to click on an application the screen goes black as if going to open but then just comes back to the original front screen… Read more »


Hi Fiona, I’ve just had this issue too, did you find a solution?


Hi all,
Automatically updated my phone about a week ago. After tweaking it to suit my tastes, was very happy with it…UNTIL last night… phone froze up and now won’t start up. Tried replacing battery … didn’t work. Tried to push volume, home and power button…no response. Tried removing battery, plug in power and hold power button…no good. Does anyone have any suggestions? Help?


Im still waiting for my update through the phoen update. Though I did connect the phone to kies and a update was available, but when I went to run it, a notice come up on screen and it was in korean??? Has anyone had this issue??? My sister has then same phone which runs through vodafone, and she has the new update. Why is optus taking so long to send a update??


I must say I’m not a fan of Jelly Bean. I had a few failed updates then I got it to work only to have my SII get stuck in a boot loop. Had Samsung and Optus blame one another before Samsung told me to return the phone to them for 2 weeks to fix. Instead I restored factory settings and it’s fine. However the phones best feature, Swype has become all but useless. I cant capitalise letters like I used to. It doesn’t predict words, doesn’t allow me to add words to my dictionary. How can a firmware update… Read more »


Gs2 installed. Wifi advanced band setting is missing. Cant select 5ghz.

Sharon Sirotich

i have the galaxy note gt-n7000 also my son has same note he has got his new software and mine still says no update available we are with amaysim which is optus network amaysim told me to call optus optus told me to call samsung samsung told me to call optus for software upgrade optus told me that they do not have software update for jellybean4.1.2 what is going on please can anyone help.


How do you change the dock with the 4.1.2 update?


Updated to jelly bean yesterday with Optus network and the phone’s media player and camera became . . . unusable. Now I am stuck, need help please!


So, I’ve just downloaded this update and it’s great! No problems with download, via PC. Optus (Melbourne) customer, S2 phone (Feb ’11), no complaints, took about 40 mins, via wireless broadband (all I can get in my suburb), and now it’s super late, because I’ve been playing with all the new bits! Patience and attention are key, while downloads and updates are doing their thing. I’m just your average gadget queen and I just don’t understand anything too high tech, yet, so, all the mumbo jumbo in some of the (irrelevent) comments below, were a bit much for me! I… Read more »

Linux User

Tried to do the update via OTA this afternoon and it started.
Optus must have released the OTA version this morning.
File size was 431.47MB and it took about 35 minutes to download and 30 minutes to update.
All went well – now it’s just a matter of finding out where everything is and customizing home screens.


Thanks for the short & sweet post! Worked for me too!

Linux User

I emailed Optus support today asking when OTA update would be available.

They replied that OTA firmware upgrade is not possible and they referred me to the support page of Samsung directly on and said to look for the Chat Support team.

Alternatively, they said to search for manual firmware installation over the web and especially through Google.

This is either strange or Optus support do not know what they are talking about.


got the update one week ago can’t use it since then my phone is dead. Tells me no sim card installed. (it is) have checked the sim its fine in any other phone. No sim card works on this phone, then it went into a eternal reboot. Got around this now it runs hot and fast on the battery, tells me the phone is not rooted. wont connect to kies
and is basically a mp3/game player with no phone. am not impressed. Especially as I brought the phone outright and its out of warranty.


It’s really very concerning to me to keep hearing all these complaints about KIES & borked firmware. I bought an SGS back in 2010 for evaluation & had the exact same problems being reported here in 2013. The thing went back for warranty ‘repair’ 4 times before Samsung reluctantly agreed to replace it completely whereupon it was ebay’d off as quickly as possible. It would appear that Samsung still, after all this time, have very dodgy software abilities track record.


Kies tells me firm ware is there to update but mid way through I get a message in Korean and then nothing happens, can any one help wih this?

Linux User

I can’t use Kies since I run Linux on my laptop.

When I try to update via OTA I get a message that no update is available.

I phoned Optus and they told me Samsung do the release and they transferred me to Samsung support, who in turn told me that it is Optus who do the release – sound familiar???


Man I am still waiting for my notifcation… I have been checking the firmware update page and checking for updates in kies and on the phone for over a month since optus first said it was to be updated, before they changed the dates. And now they are showing that it has been released but I still don’t get the upgrade… I’m very pissed off atm.

Has anybody else still not got the upgrade??


Oh and that’s when I can even get Kies to work at all, It only seems to connect when I remove my sim card. Bet it’s opus that have screwed that up too.

Sharon Sirotich

April 25th still waiting on update

Daniel Tyson

Hi Sharon, You really should have received the notification by now. I would really suggest installing Kies and seeing if your phone can see the update through there.

saxon E

Wut about virgin customers?

Troy Shanahan

Hmm, downloaded the update a few days ago, so I’ve had those few days to play with it and I must say, a HUGE improvement over ICS. The new features are nifty, especially the camera (Panorama mode FTW!), and I don’t know why some people are saying the UI is ‘cartoonish’, to me it’s a little bit more refined than the ICS UI. The new notification bar is quite frankly awesome, the ability to swipe across to get all of your toggle settings without going into the settings menu is a fantastic idea. Took me awhile to realise that the… Read more »

James Finnigan

Say what you will about Samsung, it’s nice that a device that’s approaching EOL is still receiving updates.


Only years late… Unlike our iPhones which receive all updates direct from Apple within hours. After running some Android handsets here for a bit over 2 years here we have decided to bin them & deploy only iPhones in our fleet. Android is for ocd gamer types or really broke people.

James Finnigan

iPhones might get updates quickly, but older iPhones do not necessarily get all the features of the new OS. Example – Siri and the iPhone 4. There was no technical reason for the iPhone 4 to not receive the update, it’s just Apple’s way of saying, ‘buy a new phone’.

Thanks for your valuable input on our Android news site, though. Super valuable!


True but a minor push compared to when iPhones keep getting immediate updates years and years after Android handsets have been tossed in a drawer as abandonware. Sorry if your blog can’t tolerate any others opinions and thanks for reminding me to unsubscribe the rss feed. Have a good life.

Ian Denile

Dude…. no

James Finnigan

For the record, my comments are my own opinion, not necessarily the opinion of the rest of the team. I’m all for other opinions – different viewpoints make for healthy debate. I for one am a huge fan of Microsoft’s products. Had you left your comment at a slight dig at the Android update process, I’d have had no issue, and a lot of people might have agreed with you. What I don’t like though, is when someone posts on an Android news site, saying nonsense like ‘Android is for OCD gamer types or really broke people’. Not only is… Read more »


Perhaps it eas a bit strong & for that i apoligise. It gets tiring trying to sort through all the bull that gets spoken (see some of the nonsense above). This is a good Android news site since it is Aussie focused. Ive made my point & its been poo-poo’ed by Android fans as usual. Frankly i see Android as still stuck in the bad old days of symbian & feature phones. For the most part, if you want errors in firmware fixed, buy a new handset. I believe this a major problem for Android. Fans should be storming Google,… Read more »

James Finnigan

Thanks for that. I probably got a bit carried away myself. I just hate fanboyism in all forms.

Interesting that you’ve listed the Z10. I didn’t think anyone cared about Blackberry any more. I can see your frustration with the way Android OEMs go about their updates, and there is simply no excuse for failing to support devices that are still within their lifecycle. I’ve strongly criticised HTC for this in the past, and I can only hope they improve because they make some amazing hardware.


From what I can see the Z10 can now go toe to toe with any of the top phones. Its quality, its thoroughly thought out & uniquely original. A lot of corporate/enterprise people still rave about their BlackBerry’s. I’d love to see them come roaring back into competition against Apple.
I agree HTC can make some great hardware & the ‘One’ is just superbolicious IMHO. Likewise I have a lot of respect for Motorola & Sony hardware wise. Love to see them back into contention against Samsung.
Have a great Easter!

Daniel Tyson

Pretty strong statement that the Z10 can go toe-toe with the top handsets. The hardware is sufficient to carry this claim off, however things such as the OS are still being evaluated, the app eco-system is still lacking, I saw that it’s estimated that at least 10%(some quoting as high as 20%) of the apps in the 100,000 Blackberry apps are actually Android apps. This does not bode well. Microsoft has much deeper pockets than Blackberry(nee RIM) to support things such as application development and also to stay in for the long haul. The third mobile OS spot is well… Read more »


Maybe its a matter of taste. I have’nt got my hands on a Z10 yet but I seen a lot of quite balanced video reviews that show Blackberry OS now one ups Apple by taking gesture control to the next level. No more hardware home button, no more soft buttons. A flick and a swipe gets you to the ‘hub’ where all your notifications are clearly displayed etc. Overall it is much better than the still unfinished WinPhone 8 OS in terms of sophistication and polish. Better than iOS IMHO. Blackberry still have cred in the enterprise space. Their premium… Read more »


and iphone updates are so minor you cant even call them updates. Out of the “200 changes” they log, 198 are bug fixes you cant see. The other 2 are apps people want to delete like maps. The fact apple chooses to make every new ios version compatible with phones as horribly underpowered as the 3GS or 4 is what is keeping the iphone stuck in 2007 and is why no one wants to be seen with one anymore. Android updates are real updates with huge changes and improvements. IOS6, well its like IOS2.


Fanboi alert!


I updated on Friday and found the inability to change the docked apps annoying. Now today it will not turn on. Anyone else have this happen?


Telstra have confirmed their s2 won’t be getting this, haven’t they? Annoying…

Barry Findlay

Telstra rolling out JB for S2 on April 8 according to their update link.

Ezra Halawani

I am using a tmobile s2 sgh-t989 and kies doesnt have the update yet

Sean Royce

It only took them a year and a bit.

William S

Holy fudge balls its downloading!!! False alarm….

William S

SOOOO angry. Waited so long for this and it won’t update!

follow Keis instructions, it downloads data, then windows needs to
identify the device after installing new drivers and Kies then tells me
to take the battery out and restart the phone. The phone by that point
has the screen “downloading… Do not turn off target”

The only option is to unplug then turn off the phone… restart (as it is frozen on that screen) + won’t recognise otherwise.

Does anyone have any solutions???? Or having the same problem???

Please help Aargh!!!!


I didn’t have that exact problem William but when I installed it, Kies would download 24mb or so, then ask for Win 7 UAC, but after I entered admin password, it wouldn’t do anything else and Kies just froze. It wasn’t until I logged on as admin that it would actually get past that stage and continue installing. Or you could just run Kies as administrator from standard account (didn’t think of that at the time:)
Worth a shot if you’re not already logged in as admin.


Yes,. Buy an an iPhone & stop wasting your life on this ridiculous nonsense… Seriously… There are more important things in life than this

Hardy Haaha



Updated mine last night and while I love the new features (notifications and lockscreen apps), I hate the scrolling compared to ics. In ics, you could easily fling a page and scroll for ages quickly. In Jelly Bean it’s like it’s got sticky brakes on all the time. What used to take one fling, now takes three or four which is super frustrating. While you could argue animations are smoother, I find there’s now a pause before it does some things. Feels like because of the greater memory consumption, it’s gotta unload apps more often. Oh and my last beef,… Read more »

vijay alapati

Agreed, jelly bean is not laggy but also not buttery smooth


To me the spec for Jelly bean is quadcore processor and 2gb of ram.

I had the Xperia Ray and it ran great on gingerbread but when I upgrade to ics. It lags.

So if you could upgrade the hardware as well there no point asking for software upgrade.

vijay alapati

Asus Nexus 7 has only 1gb of ram and its google’s flagship tablet. And its was launched with Jellybean. I agree that with hardware point but what abt the the devices with eligible hardware still lagging.


wow really? I haven’t got the notification yet, but i have the official S2 4.1.2 rom that was leaked 5 or so months ago (not optus). It has a few bugs, but there’s one thing it is not, is slow. Compared to optus 4.04, it is like a new phone. I can flick between all pages as fast as i want and its incredibly smooth. Whereas 4.0.4 was a dog for me….the animations were very delayed. The browser is also now 1:1 with pinch to zoom whereas 4.0.4 was delayed. I will try kies and see if I can nab… Read more »


I don’t know why it’s saying over the next week. The update came out yesterday for both Optus and stock version of the Galaxy s II. Already got it last night through Kies. I’ve noticed that it seems to use more battery than previously. But overall, it’s a pretty good update.

Damon Lewis

I believe Jelly Bean for the S2 brings with it the Nature UX from the S3 (which is much better than the Gingerbread style that it used before for ICS)

Daniel Tyson

I do believe you’re correct, however Optus are quite hard to nail down on info for their updates. But the 4.1.2 for Note etc included the Premium Suite which was the Nature UX.

Damon Lewis

I assume you mean the Note 1? (Since 2 launched with 4.1.1)

Daniel Tyson

Been a long day, yep, Original Note.