Cotton Glass with Curve Frames
The international rollout for Glass has begun, so far expanding to the UK, but it will reach our shores eventually. With that in mind, we’re keen to watch development of the platform and today Google has rolled out their latest update – XE19.1.

It’s not a massive update, in fact the Support page only lists two updates – Improved connectivity and a Cleaner look. You can judge whether you feel this is a ‘cleaner look’ yourself from the screenshot provided:
Glass Cleaner Look

Improved connectivity consists of better handling when occasional network issues interrupt your commands. This is mainly to do with when you issue voice commands, so that should help out.

For those with Glass, you should be seeing the update soon, with Google advising they are rolling the update out over the next few days.

Source: Glass Support.
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    She looks like she’s in a trance 😮