Android Wear is certainly a hot topic, developers continue to find new and interesting ways to use the platform, and one of the teams looking at the best way to use it is the team at Minuum, the makers of the minimal third-party keyboard.

Minuum have shown off a video of their keyboard working on the LG G Watch. They note there aren’t that many Android Wear apps working with Text input at the moment – but they also note they are working to change this.

As you can see, it looks pretty amazing actually, and you can try it now. Sign up for the newsletter, at minuum.com/watch to receive instructions on how to install the keyboard now – as well as receive more news on Minuum keyboard.

While the G Watch is the focus of this video, that’s not the only Android Wear watch it will work on. Minuum previously shown it as a concept on the Moto 360 which I think you’ll agree looks fantastic:

As noted, there’s not much utility for keyboards on Android Wear yet, but as the platform grows – who knows? Check it out now, see what you think.

Source: Minuum.
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    Ben Liu

    I’ve been using Swype and Minuum on the Galaxy Gear 1 and can say Swype works better than Minuum even at this size with at least a more recognisable keyboard.

    Andrew Palozzo

    i thought the bottom of the screen on the 360 was squared off?
    Also yeah, dont these devices also have voice input? That would seem like a much more practical way to enter text?


    Only when you’re alone, and when you don’t want to use any non English proper nouns, company names or technical terms. Voice recognition is seriously problematical.

    Andrew Palozzo

    haha fair call 🙂
    Personally my text input if I had to on a watch would be for very limited and quick messages. My main use is just for glanceable notifications. I like my pebble, but would prefer richer notification.

    Alexei Watson

    Yeah their concept gif disregarded where the actual screen is. Slight whoopsy.