CyanogenMod has begun rolling out two releases, announcing a new build of CM11.0, as well as a CM12.0 Final build are hitting the servers now.

The CM11.0 release is based on the Android 4.4 KitKat release, while the CM12.0 build is built from Android 5.0.2, CM12.1 is focused on the Android 5.1.x release. Today’s releases of CM11.0/CM12.0 are focused on improved stability and security fixes, as the focus for the CM team now switches over to the CM12.1 release.

The release of another CM11.0 build is a little strange at this stage, especially with CM12.0 a well established release and work on CM12.1 underway. CM have addressed this release in their blog announcement:

Why another CM11 build? Rather surprisingly, many users have been slow to upgrade to L – whether due to the lack of a snapshot release or adverse reaction to the Material design, we don’t know. The meager stats that we have show that there is a rather large contingency of users who are sticking to CM11 as their release channel of choice, so we felt compelled to give a release showcasing all the work that went into that branch to make it ship ready.

There’s a few notes on the releases, mainly regarding making sure your GApps package matches the Android version you’re flashing and users updating from CM11.0 to CM12.0 – update your recoveries to head off any SELinux issues – but that’s about it, they should be good to go.

If you want to read more, check out the CyanogenMod blog for further information, but your CM11.0 or CM12.0 build for your preferred device should be available for download from the usual places shortly.

Source: CyanogenMod.