supersu_pixelMany of us obtain root access on our devices as soon as possible, though maybe not a many as used to. If you are a ‘rooter’, the problem is that there are often bugs associated with new hacks and apps. This was the case with the root access method used in the Google Pixel phones which we’ve written about previously.

Google introduced a different partition layout with the Pixels and as such it is still a learning experience for all the hackers. After rooting their Pixels, many users noticed that when their battery drained down to 15% they had their System UI constantly crash. This was to do with the new method of tricking the system to obtain root access. Chainfire said in his Google+ post:

“For A/B partition layout devices (such as the new Pixels) the /system to /system_root/system symlink has been replaced by a bind mount. This corrects absolute paths to something Android expects, and indeed prevents the System UI crash when battery drops to 15%.”

If you followed my instructions the other day you can just fastboot boot this boot-to-root.img file over the top. If you are yet to obtain root access, head over to my post from the other day and follow the same command line instructions. The difference is you will need to get the new updated image files — for the Pixel head to here and for the Pixel XL head to here (the links in the original post have been updated, just in case).

As usual, proceed at your own risk but if you have rooted your Pixel it’s an easy bug-fix to apply. Not only will it prevent the 15% System UI crashes if you were getting them but will also actually fix some root apps that may not have worked before.

Source: Chainfire Google+.
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This does not fix 15% crash issue. Tried and confirmed it doesn’t work.