If you have the original Huawei Watch — which we would argue is probably the best all-round Android Wear device to have been made — then today you’re in luck. We reported last week about the impending arrival of Android Wear 2.0, but we need not wait any longer; we’ve had a steady stream of reports yesterday and today confirming that the OTA (Over The Air) update is arriving for users around Australia.

If you’ve not received it yet, don’t panic; these rollouts are always staged so it may take a couple of days. Just pop into your watch’s settings app, and check for updates. Not much point checking more than once per day (given the way Android updates work), but once you receive the update notification, plug your watch in to charge and update away.

Android Wear 2.0 gives you a significantly changed way of using your watch, but after some months of using Android Wear 2.0 (first in preview, and then release on a few different devices) you quickly get used to the way it does things. Here’s an overview of everything that’s new in Android Wear 2.0 for those who’ve not kept up to date.

Let us know if your original Huawei Watch has received Android Wear 2.0!

Thanks: To everyone who sent this in.
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Philip Clark

Wear 2.0 is nice and I don’t want to knock changes that just take some getting used to, but there are a few changes that are pretty much downgrades and I’m wondering whether they’re intentional or just bugs. * Do not disturb – setting this on the watch used to set it on the phone, but now it just sets it on the watch. Since all my watch does is vibrate I’m wondering if this really does anything at all now? I used to set my phone to DND via watch all the time so this is a big loss.… Read more »

Max Luong

I seem to have lost the ability for the Assistant to add things to my shopping list. Does this work for anyone else? It was working when I was on the Developer Preview.

Daniel Tyson

Have you looked in Google Express? or is it giving you an error?

jimmy cychowski

I already did the multi tap trick on the software update screen on my watch…i had to perform this a few times before it worked, had to make sure that my smartphone and watch was Connected to my Wi-Fi network and obviously Bluetooth connectivity on and connected,ive had 2.0 for a few days and it’s greatly improved experience