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Whether its for labelling things, giving directions or creating a meme, quickly adding annotations to your maps, screenshots or pictures in general is something that many people do on a regular basis. There’s a number of apps which allow you to do this, but a new app called Quick has caught our attention.

Quick is the latest release by a company called Over, and the reason the release has caught our attention is that Over released their self-titled app Over back in August, with almost exactly the same functionality. But that isn’t stopping Over, who are marketing this new app as: ‘The fastest app for adding text to photos. It’s like our paid app Over, but 3x faster, FREE, and designed to help you be more productive and social’. 

Quick’s features include:

  • FAST PHOTO PICKER: An extra large view of your most recent pictures will let you pick your best photo fast, or snap a picture with a swipe and a tap.
  • FANTASTIC FONTS: Choose from 16 carefully curated and dramatically different fonts. Find fonts that are useful, fun, and beautiful, perfect for any occasion.
  • REALTIME FONT SELECTION: Glide through all the fonts with a flick of a finger, your text will change instantly.
  • SMOOTH STYLING: Adjust size, color, and placement with very little effort. Quick’s advanced color slide shows a crazy high number of options.
  • SMART SHARING: Choose from your favorite messaging apps and social networks: WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and more. Or simply save it to your camera roll.

It’s free to download and try, as long as you’re Ok with a watermark on your image, but you can remove that through an In-App Purchase (IAP) worth $2.28, which also gives you 16 additional fonts. Quick is good for adding text to pictures, but Over has additional functionality which allows you to add artwork and stamps to your pictures.

If you want to check out Quick, you can click the link below to download it from Google Play.

Developer: Over
Price: Free+
Source: Over Quick.