Google Play Books
After updating a host of apps yesterday, Google has moved onto another of their core Android apps: Google Play Books. The app is receiving an update which adds a host of new functionality, based around skimming and bookmarking.

The first feature ‘Skim Mode’ allows you to quickly skim through a book quickly with a swipe. The feature is being targeted at students, with Google saying that this will allow them to quickly traverse their textbook to find material.


Also to help students, or indeed anyone who studies, Quick Bookmarks which can be added throughout the book. It makes for an easy way to reference important parts of the book, which you can use with an older feature of Google Play Books – the ability to add notes.

The update will roll out to devices shortly. Make sure you have the Google Play Books app installed to take advantage of the new features.

Google Play Books & Audiobooks
Google Play Books & Audiobooks
Source: Official Android Blog.