Google’s Beta testing system in Google Play has allowed a large amount of developers to see new builds of software to testers before flicking the final release switch to the general public and overnight, Google has announced some new improvements.

Thew new options are in addition to the current Beta groups that Google currently has in place which use Google+ and Google Groups, with new options for Beta testing being added to the Developer Console. The new methods to set up beta testing include:

  • Open beta – Use an open beta when you want any user who has the link to be able to join your beta with just one click. One of the advantages of an open beta is that it allows you to scale to a large number of testers. However, you can also limit the maximum number of users who can join.
  • Closed beta using email addresses – If you want to restrict which users can access your beta, you have a new option: you can now set up a closed beta using lists of individual email addresses which you can add individually or upload as a .csv file. These users will be able to join your beta via a one-click opt-in link.

The new methods of adding Beta testers have been added in response to feedback from developers, so in effect you asked for it.

Google has shared the video story of how game design company Wooga, iterate on Google Play using the Beta system. Watch as Sebastian Kriese, Head of Partnerships, and Pal Tamas Feher, Head of Engineering talk about their experiences.

We look forward to receiving some new invites to join Beta software tests down the track.

Which is your favourite Beta software track you’re on?

Source: Android Developers.