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Android Wear users who use Microsoft’s Outlook email client have been looking on enviously at Apple Watch users since Microsoft introduced the feature back in August last year. Today, Microsoft has finally introduced Android Wear functions to their Android Outlook client, bringing email and schedule notifications to your wrist.

The focus for Microsoft in this new release is the ability to hook into your Outlook calendar and show details of whats coming up over the next 12 hours. The key to the Outlook watch face is the colour customisations you add to the entries in your calendar, with the colours on the dial designed to show the corresponding colours as a quick way to tell where you’re meant to be next – oh, and you get notifications of how many emails received since you last looked at your phone too.


If your schedule is showing a quiet day with nothing coming up, you can also get more information about emails in your inbox, simply tap on them for a more in-depth look at the email received. You can also tap for more information when you get a notification of a new email.

If you like personalisation you can of course change your watch face colour with a selection of different colours quickly available to match your mood, or style.


Notifications on Android Wear give you a lot of interaction as well, with many functions you’d normally have to open Outlook on your phone for – archive, schedule, flag and delete and RSVP to event invitations – now available from your wrist.

If you want to get the new watch face, simply update the Outlook for Android app now in Google Play.

Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook
Price: Free
Source: blog.microsoft.comOutlook on Google Play.