Many of us weren’t around when man first landed on the moon, but the influence of that achievement stays strong. As a celebration of this and other human achievements in exploring our solar system, Google Earth has brought together a mass of information.

I know a few folks who are somewhat in the realm of space nuts and know a huge amount, but for the average person this is fascinating. There’s a wrap up of the Apollo 11 mission, information about the existing NASA launch sites being upgraded for future missions and a look at the moon in ways Google Earth hasn’t done before through Google Earth Studio.

Perhaps for me the most interesting learning experience was the 10 iconic space explorers that Google have honoured. We can’t seem to find any footage of the new Space Force though.

We’re honouring 10 iconic space explorers -— the men, women and robots who have advanced our understanding of the world beyond our planet through research and space travel. Once you think you’re ready to command your own mission, test your knowledge in our space quiz. We’ll even give you a hint: The French were the first to send a feline named Félicette into space.

Personally I really enjoy the fact that Google are not just responding to search, but proactively looking to help users learn about history and educate them.

Source: Google Blog.