
Google have been on something of a spending spree over the last couple of years, purchasing a number of startups and established companies that can strengthen their stand in the mobile market. The acquisitions include:

These are just some of the higher profile acquisitions that Google have made, each with some relatively transparent drivers behind them. Now, Google has purchased Divide; the mobile security company which will make your Android device (particularly if you’re in a bring your own device setup) more friendly to Enterprise environments.

The premise is simple, you have a work and personal life; separate them on your phone too and Divide does just this. By installing the app on your devices you’re creating a partition which keeps your work (potentially confidential or commercial-in-confidence) data separated from your personal, but also allowing the administrators of the enterprise network the ability to remote wipe that data from your device similarly to the old Blackberry Enterprise setup in the event that your phone is lost, stolen or for any reason you happen to leave the company.

This is a strong indication that Google are looking to strengthen their reputation in the Corporate and Enterprise space to take more of a stranglehold on the market. The Open Source setup of Android can be a deterrent for some companies, but there’s no need to fear Open Source; just to understand it.

Have you had issues getting your Android on a corporate network? Share your experience with us below

Source: Divide Website.
Via: Android Police.
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    My work will only allow BYO Samsung GS4’s (why do GS4’s gat all the love? looking at Commbank app). But it isn’t like I actually Want to read my work emails on my personal phone. I just want access to the work wifi’s 😛