COVID-19 has a lot to answer for including the social isolation we’re currently enduring, issues at home with families suffering cabin fever and the migration of our workforce to their homes.

That migration has seen a significant increase in the use of video conferencing and the boom in popularity of Zoom. Out of this poor, unloved Skype had to respond and they did with “Meet Now”.

Skype Meet Now is very simple to setup and just as simple to use. If you’re in the app, you can create a meeting in the app by selecting meet now or via the web interface then share the link – privately, don’t open yourself to meeting trolls! – with your intended recipients.

If you’re joining a meeting, following the link will open Skype if it’s installed or Skype for Web. No login is required, making this a clear response to the high use that Zoom is seeing.

The efforts are clearly to bring users back to Skype, but is it too late now other communication options have taken off early in the lockdown?

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Didn’t know Skype was still around. I thought it had been replaced by Teams.


There is “Skype” for the consumer side, then there is “Skype for Business” and “Teams” for business/enterprise.
So probably good time to say “Skype” is consumer grade and shouldn’t be used by business as their VC tool.