[Update: working for some but not others. YMMV]

After posting the question yesterday to our readers if they’d seen the month-old transfer tool for transferring your Google Play Music library to YouTube Music we were met with a chorus of “no”. Except for one where the “no” was followed by a BUT.

I have Tim in the comments section to thank for this but it is a simple solution and something we should have tried. To be honest I didn’t try it because Google usually has ways around us using VPN to circumvent their geo-restrictions. While our brethren over the Pacific Ocean have seen the transfer tool rolling out widely the last couple of days we are yet to see it here in Australia.

After reading the comment from Tim this morning I fired up my VPN provider (I use PureVPN and recommend it but I’m sure most of you already have your favourite one anyway) on my phone, surfed over to Canada, let it connect and opened YouTube Music.

If you’re not sure what VPN to use, try Surfshark, a great VPN for accessing Netflix from Canada.

Unfortunately nothing arrived in the app — just as DroidLife reported yesterday, some users are not seeing the notification that is meant to arrive there. I opened GPM but there was no notification in there either. Head into the study and try it on the PC using the desktop VPN app and the transfer website. Success.

There are no settings for you to provide and you can’t pick and choose what you want transferred over — it seems to be an all or nothing after all (Looks like I’m stuck with Hannah Montana and OneD forever). Anyway, hit the transfer button and it will begin transferring. It is not a quick process with the fact I was able to write this post and publish it before it was past the first step evidence of that.

Whatever the case, I don’t mind: set it running and head off to do other things while your music world is transferred across. The site says that once the transfer has begun you can explore YouTube Music while the process occurs in the background — I am not so trusting so am leaving it running in another tab.

To all those in the comments from yesterday and all those who didn’t comment, go and fire up your favourite VPN, point it at Canada and start enjoying YouTube Music with all your music library. Oh and thank Tim in the process.

Thank you Tim!

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Working for me now using NordVPN via Canada and the music.youtube.com/transfer site. Thank you for the heads up. Great work.

Aleksei Poliakov

Works for me though Japan


they still don’t have a wear os app. shame that they are pushing with out proper infrastructure setup for the eco system


Works for me on SurfShark VPN connecting to Montreal. Transfer was then available in the YTMusic app.

Derrick Goobie

Is Google Music being completely discontinued, do we have to transfer over to YouTube music, if so, I will be switching music providers, YouTube music is terrible


So far, so good. Thanks for the tip.


I had no trouble transferring prior to this two days ago from my Australian IP address without s VPN.

Open YouTube music app
Click on account icon
Click on settings
There was an option to click transfer of account here

Take a look and see if available in your settings. I had to dig to find it.


I use Getflix for VPN. Tried Vancouver and no dice – whatismyip showed me as being in London WTF?? Went for Montreal and we’re in business. Transferring now.

Last edited 4 years ago by Wayno

Worked for me (NordVPN > ‘Canada’)


Connected to US of A using Private Internet Access, no go. Connected the VPN to Canada and voila. Transferring the content as we speak. Thanks for the tip, Scott and Tim.


Unreal! It has been such a long wait, but finally I’m transferring.
Thanks for this. Great reporting.


Alas, not for me. I VPNd to Toronto and tried the apps and the webpage, but got the same Coming Soon – thank you for your patience message


Try just going to the music.youtube.com page rather than music.youtube.com/transfer. I wasn’t getting a result on the ‘transfer’ page – which I’d been refreshing every day. Try also closing all other browser sessions which may have you logged in with your Google account, connecting your VPN then coming into a new browser session. I also used my non-default browser (Brave) which I wasn’t logged into with my Google account, went to the YTM page and logged in there clean on the attempt which worked.


Tried PureVPN Streaming and Privacy modes to Canada on PC – no luck. Tried again using “Freedom” mode and it worked! Transfer underway…


It’s been ‘transferring’ an hour now but it’s still only ticked the first box of “Music Recommendations” like the image in the article.

Max Luong

Worked for me on Private Internet Access connecting to Vancouver. Thanks!

Colin Jones

Nup, didn’t work for me. VPN to Vancouver, still didn’t let my transfer my library. I guess Google are still doing some checks and my VPN didn’t pass muster (slickvpn)