Update: Please note Daniel’s App was for LiveATC and not Flight Traffic Control. The link has been updated.

This is our first weekly version of the podcast. It was smooth, it was awesome, it’s here to stay. We smashed out this fortnights news including Instagram, Our Phone Poll, Nexus Tablet, Project Glass and alot more banter, gibberish and all round verbal vomit, in only the way we know how. So get in on the action and download it.

Hosts: Lucas Burnett, Phil Tann, Geoff Fieldew and Daniel Tyson


App Round-Up

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    Max Hobbs

    Just a point that was brouhg up during the pod cast…
    Completely agree that win8 is an unknown, especially when you’d HAVE to think that there will be a full blown version of Office on a tablet soon..
    That being said, a viable android tablet that people would want to buy?… 
    It’s taken me a while to get it right, but TPrime has been brilliant for a couple of reasons…. Battery Life, Keyboard Dock, Battery Life, Citirx Receiver, Battery Life, PocketCloud, Dropbox, Evernote, Battery Life.


    (Sorry if this was covered in the podcast. I’ve only gotten to listen to 75% of it.)

    For anyone, like myself, who was interested in Volume+ for free as opposed to the AU$1.93 in the market link, it’s free on his forum: http://androidaudiohacks.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=21 

    Carsten Bauer

    Thanks guys for uploading it so quickly. Was working late last night, so could not tune in 🙂