After teasing Nexus 9 owners on Wednesday with an update to Android 5.0.2 (LRX22L), Google will begin rolling out the Android 5.1 update to tablet owners today.

Announcing the update via Twitter and Google+, the news is welcome for owners of the tablet which has seemingly been left behind. The update to Android 5.1 brings a few new pieces of functionality – notably in the quick settings, you can now choose which Bluetooth devices or Wi-Fi network you want to connect to – but also brings a few fixes, though not a fix for the memory leak we’ve been seeing so far.

As you can see from the announcement, Google has said that the 5.1 update will hit the Nexus 9, though not whether it will hit the Wi-Fi AND LTE models, though notably Wednesdays update was for both – so Nexus 9 LTE owners could be getting good news too.

The delay in updating the HTC built tablet has been rumoured to be due to issues with the Tegra K1 processor from Nvidia. Google and Nvidia have had issues with Nexus devices and drivers previously, so this is well within the realms of possibility. Still, the update is coming, so that in itself is great news.

Keep checking your tablets people, there could be an update about to hit. We’ll be watching for an OTA link for you to flash, as well as when Google adds the Factory Images for the tablets as well.

Source: @googlenexus.
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Didn’t Google announce just two days ago that it was rolling out 5.0.2 to the N9? What was the point of that? CyanogenMod has had 5.1.1 for most devices for weeks. A sad state of affairs!

Daniel Tyson

Most likely a preparatory release so the transition to 5.1.1 is smooth.