21.4 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Samsung picks up CyanogenMod’s head honcho, now a Samsung employee

It wasn't that long ago that we reported on CyanogenMod devs being sent a few of Samsung's golden children, in the form of Galaxy S IIs, the goal was to develop for this amazing handset. It seems to have...

HTC announces and launches HTCdev — Online hub where you will be able to...

Remember when HTC promised they would allow unlocking of their bootloaders? And that the Sensation would be unlockable in August? Well now that dream is slowly coming true. HTC have launched HTCdev.com which is their online hub that has...

CyanogenMod 7 nightlies for the Galaxy S II begin

And so it begins. Not so long ago Samsung sent a few lucky CM devs their latest and greatest creation, the Samsung Galaxy S II, their mission? develop, and this is what they have done. Starting now, you can...

International Atrix bootloader unlocked, includes Telstra Atrix

Why should the Americans (and importers) have all the fun? 3 weeks after the AT&T Atrix bootloader was unlocked via a leaked SBF, Telstra Atrix and other international versions can now share the love. Motorola had confirmed they are...

Walkthrough: How to root the Samsung Galaxy S II

Plenty of people have asked us how to root the Samsung Galaxy S II, so we figured it was about time we shared a little walkthrough with you. We've made it as easy as can be, so you can...

Samsung Sent Galaxy S II’s to Cyanogenmod Dev

Some news out of left field this morning. Many readers will know of Ausdroid's passion for the development and modification community - from obtaining root on handsets to loading custom ROMs, we support the whole lot. CyanogenMod is probably one...

The Little Aussie taking on Motorola U.S.

If you have been following the Android forums, Twitter feeds, news sites and been listening to our podcast over the past couple of months, you will have noticed a hot topic amongst the Android Power Users about locked bootloaders...

CyanogenMod 7.0 Released

Four months of work and four Release Candidates later, Cyanogen Mod 7 is finally cooked. Based on Android Gingerbread 2.3.3, CM7 supports over 30 devices, so hit the source link and get cracking, if your after a stock-like experience...

Cyanogenmod 7 hits RC2

Cyanogenmod is one of my favourite custom Android ROMs, and not long ago, it's latest iteration - Version 7 - hit release candidate 2. We brought you the news when the first release candidate aired a few weeks ago,...

Sony Ericsson might also go down the unlocked bootloader road

A week or so ago, Simon Walker, who is head of Developer Program at Sony Ericsson, tweeted that he would like to take the conversation regarding "rooting", inside Sony Ericsson and would be in favour of it, if it...

CyanogenMod7 RC1 now available for 17 Android devices

The other day we brought you the news that CyanogenMod 7 RC1 had been released, bringing Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) goodness to a number of Android powered devices that, according to their manufacturers and other sources, may never have been...

CyanogenMod 7 almost here with Release Candidate 1 now available

For those of you living on the bleeding edge and running custom ROMs on your Android devices, you'll be heartened to know that CyanogenMod 7 is nearing a stable release. As of right now, CM7-RC1 is now available for...

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