Android 7 Nougat
The release of the final developer preview of Android Nougat this morning has brought with it a number of cool features, including a new Easter Egg. The Android N has also been changed up with a more pastel coloured N as you can see above – but enough about that, the easter egg.

Since the launch of Gingerbread, Android has included an easter egg for those interested enough to search for it. By going to Settings > About Phone and then tapping on the Android Version number (which now reads 7.0 btw). Previous Easter Eggs have seen you tap repeatedly on the graphic to enable the next part of the easter egg, but in this one you’ll have to tap and hold it. If you hold it then a cat emoticon appears at the bottom of the screen, hold it in again and a struck-through circle appears.

Once you have the cat up though, that’s not the end.

Drag down the quick settings menu, then tap on edit. You’ll then see a new option for your quick settings, drag it up to the Quick Settings menu and you’ll see a new icon, which is now ’empty dish’.

Now, once you tap on the empty dish, you’ll get a floating window with four options: Bits, Chicken, Fish and Treat. Once you tap on one, it populates the dish, tap on the icon while it’s populated and it disappears.

That’s about all you can do for now, but that’s not the end of it. Once you leave a treat in the bowl, you may attract cats, a few different cats apparently based on receiving a notification that Cat #417 had visited me. Once you tap on the notification you can see your collection of cats, you can tap on the cat to rename it, but that’s about it.

I caught my cat using Bits, but it apparently works with any of them, you just have to wait. What you can do with the cats once you have a collection of them isn’t clear, but maybe you should try out a game called Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector if cat collecting appeals to you

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    So, is the latest Dev pre. worth installing?

    Daniel Tyson

    Only using it on the Nexus 5X and Pixel C which aren’t daily drivers. They have however been fairly stable since the initial launch of the dev preview. That said, I don’t recommend using dev previews as a daily driver at any stage, you never know when something important will go wrong.

    Tony Soprano

    I wonder if the “N” stands for Nyan cat.

    Daniel Tyson

    Probably Neko – look at the notification pic, it shows Android Neko 😉 Nyan Cat is soooo 2012 ;).

    Tony Soprano

    Ah all good. My bad.