android_pay_logo_rgb_fc_light (1)

As we exclusively announced over the weekend we know that Android Pay is commencing closed beta testing in Australia this week, and if all goes well we may even see the public launch before Thursday 30 June, which is the last day of the H1 of 2016, Googles original launch window. We’ve also got a fairly good idea of which banks will be joining the Android Pay family on day one.

All that is really left is for Android Pay to be tested and launched, of course, we’re happy for a delayed launch if it means a better initial user experience. But what about signage for businesses? How can people let potential customers know that they are on the cutting edge of mobile payments? Simple order an Android Pay Merchant Kit from Google. Googles Android Pay Brand Guidelines website has a great introduction to how to use the Android Pay Brand images from signs on your doors to payment icons in your app and everything in between, the guidelines have it all.

No product would be complete without some terms and conditions to go along with it, so if you’re considering using the Android Pay Brand logo then you’ll want to look at these as well.

If after all of that you’re convinced that alerting the world that you are a proud acceptor of Android Pay, and why wouldn’t you be, and you want stickers to prove it then perhaps this is what you seek. As you can see registered business in the US, Canada, Australia or Singapore (expected to be coming online soon) are now able to order a decal Kit from Google comprising of:

  • Glass decals in two sizes
  • Register decals in two sizes
  • Application tool

So if you know someone in Australia with a business that accepts NFC payments then perhaps you should direct them towards this information. You never know alerting passing customers that YOU have Android Pay just may inspire a few curious sales. I know I’ll be wasting spending money somewhat more frivolously just to use the new service and see how it all works.

Also, if you work for a business and you’ve seen any Android Pay marketing or branding materials in the back office, or you’re chummy with the boss and feel like asking some probing questions drop us a line, we know how to keep a secret.

We’re so close to the rollout now that we can almost taste it. Will we get the integrated rewards program? Will Google run bonus promotions? Will “my” bank get on board with Android Pay or am I switching institutions? We hope the answers to these questions and more are just around the corner.

Do you own a business or know someone who does? Will you be putting up Android Pay branding? Let us know below.

Source: Android Pay.
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Jamie S

I just hope I can actually use it with the cards I have unlike the launch of Samsung Pay. I am getting a bit impatient too and wish they would just launch the darn thing rather than making us wait so long.


i prefer the way apple did, U can see the apple pay logo on the actual Payment terminal screen


yeah I came into work one day and our ANZ terminals had apple pay logos on them.


They have visual assets for that as well, however Dave’s corner store can’t control the interface of his terminal, stickers, we can all do stickers