At the end of each year Google release lists announcing their best of for Google Play. Today they have done just that, announcing their “Best of 2016”.

While the blog does not have the extensive list of best of it does have the most popular lists. The top trending app for 2016 was Face Changer 2 , top trending game was no surprise, Pokemon GO and the top movie Deadpool. For more of these most popular lists head over to the Google blog.

For more extensive lists head to Google Play where you can find the Best Game (Clash Royale) and the best app was Prisma. There are also lists of the most competitive, most innovative, best indie, most exhilarating, most irresistible, most beautiful and best family games. The list of apps is also extensive with most innovative, most share-worthy, most beautiful, best local, top trending, most entertaining, best self-improvement and best family apps.

In a world where 60% of apps on Google Play have NEVER been downloaded it is tough to not only find good apps but also promote your own app. There are far too many to mention them all but if interested head on over to Google Play and check them out. This is a great way to find new, useful apps so use it wisely and let us know if you find something good you didn’t know about before.

Source: Google Blog.
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App market does seem to be getting too hard to be noticed. Which is why I’m writing a web based game (shameless self promotion):

http://drift (dot) team

… it’s still very much in beta. đŸ™‚